
Successful collaboration with SAFT FERAK company


Successful collaboration with SAFT FERAK

Using the CERVA VAM BOX, the company has reduced its PPE issuance by 30 %


Do you want your workers to always have the necessary protective equipment at hand? We have the ideal solution for you: the CERVA VAM BOX vending machine. At first glance, it resembles a food and drink vending machine, but instead of baguettes, chocolate bars and sodas, you fill it with what your workers need for safe work: gloves, respirators, safety glasses, earplugs, or disinfectant. The machine is constantly in operation, so workers are not dependent on issuing PPE from the warehouse. CERVA VAM BOX saves time and money, as confirmed by the experience of Saft Ferak.

Automatical consumption record

Time saving

24/7 availability

PPE issuance reduction by 30%

What problem did we deal with together?


What problem did we deal with together?


The Saft Ferak company produces batteries for industrial applications. It employs more than 250 people who need to use PPE, namely gloves, respirators, and eye protection.

The employers first obtained PPE in a warehouse in another part of the premises, which kept them from working. The warehouse manager had to keep manual records of the issued PPE and it was difficult to set the issuance limits for each employee. The company was looking for a simple, inexpensive solution that would speed up the issuing process, ensure automatic record keeping and reduce the number of issued PPE.

CERVA VAM BOX – an ideal way to save money and time


CERVA VAM BOX – an ideal way to save money and time


Keeping record of issued PPE - the employee identifies himself with the access card and selects the required PPE. Their selection is immediately recorded in the filing system.

PPE issuance reduction – record keeping and the possibility to reduce employees’ consumption of PPE resulted in the reduction of PPE burn rate by 30 %

Automatic orders placed with the PPE distributor – CERVA products distributor, Verdatex company, manages the CERVA VAM BOX placed at Saft Ferak, has a constant overview of the status of items and refills the vending machine as needed.

Time saving - the warehouse manager has no longer to issue PPE and spends his time doing other work. Orders automation means reduction of workload for the purchasing department, too.

What are the biggest benefits of the vending machine according to the company?


What are the biggest benefits of the vending machine according to the company?


I especially appreciate the fact that now we know exactly how much and what kind of PPE was obtained by whom.  Another advantage is that PPE is available to workers at all times and the warehouse manager does not have to waste time by issuing PPE. The purchasing time also saves time as it does not have to issue orders – the software does that for them. In addition, the software allows us to set a limit for individual items and employees, which means that even greater savings can be achieved.

Ondřej Jachymek
Health and Safety specialist


The numbers speak clearly. The year-on-year comparison shows that we saved 30% of PPE overall. With some items, the savings were up to 41%.

Žaneta Světlíková
Head of HR


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